Monday, April 16, 2012

have you seen my wedding dress?

I remember shoving it in a shopping bag and into my suitcase almost 3 years ago as we packed to go home from our honeymoon in NYC.  
And I vaguely remember seeing it in that same shopping bag in the back of my closet a year ago when we moved to our new house.  
But since then, nada.
I know, I know, why didn't I get it dry cleaned and store in a cedar chest to 
keep pristine for my first born?  
blah blah blah...  I'll blame in on post wedding planning laziness.

Do I even want to find it at this point?  
I'm not sure I want to see the end product of a dress covered in champagne, Magnolia Bakery bread pudding, and New York City street dirt.
And there may or may not have been a slight accident trying to use the restroom while wearing a corseted bodice dress with a pair of crotchless spanx 
(yes, I said it)
So if you see it, let me know.  
And if you wouldn't mind?  
Get it dry cleaned first.  


  1. ha ha ha, i can't find mine either. at least i have the excuse that my wedding was almost 15 years ago.... but i think it's been missing for the last 14 or so.

  2. You were such a lovely bride.

  3. I remember the wedding and what a beautiful bride ......Jim looked very handsome as well. I loved your dress!

    love you more
    Aunt Denise

  4. I viewed all your wedding pictures, what a beautiful bride. I'm Bunky's first cousin, Patricia Rose Hervig Dick. My middle name Rose
    is named from your great grandmother Rose who I loved dearly.

  5. I think I love you a little more for the spanx comment Rachel :) You're wedding photos are so pretty!! My dress is shoved in the back of my closet still with the dirt from it dragging as we walked through the parking lot to the hotel. I didn't feel like paying to dry clean it and have someone suck it into some small box for me to lose later. Hope all is well! ~Jackie B. (used work at Giant)
